Ein Blick in den Lichthof des Albertinums
© David-Brandt.de

Contemporary Art Depot – CAD 2013

Contemporary Art Depot – CAD 2013 is the title of an exhibition series with which the Skulpturensammlung presents contemporary art works of the young Dresden art scene. In the art depot “From Antiquity to Baroque” graduates and Meisterschüler of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (Academy of Fine Arts Dresden) exhibit their works. Their art enters into a lively dialogue with small and medium size sculptures from Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquity as well as from Baroque times. Last year, the exhibition series was initiated in curatorial collaboration with Prof. Eberhard Bosselt. It successfully started with five presentations. The selection of the artists was conducted by a team of curators of the Skulpturensammlung.

  • DATES 18/10/2013—01/12/2014


Eleni Trupis’ works encompass a broad spectrum of artistic media. Her performances, photographs, films, but also her calligraphies and paintings are mostly the result of intensive research on cultural processes, may it be the impact of language on the human consciousness or the dealings with historic values.

The artist presents a room-filling installation with different medial levels. There will be a slide show in the centre that documents two lion sculptures in the course of the seasons. Once these gorgeous lions had been larger than life, but today are only preserved in fragments. They were created by the now forgotten sculptor Eugen Kircheisen (1855-1913). Originally furnished with wings, the lion sculptures started to flank the entrance of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) at the Brühlsche Terrasse in Dresden in 1893. Due to their partial destruction in World War II, they were dismantled and later carelessly put away on the premises of the Academy of Fine Arts at the Pfotenhauerstraße. Eleni Trupis makes the decay and the oblivion of many artworks the subject of her presentations. In the show, she provides an exciting contrast between her work and antique portraits from the Skulpturensammlung (Sculpture Collection) that are presented in the protected sphere of the museum.

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