Bronzeskulptur einer nackten, sich abtrocknenden Frau
© SKD, Foto: Estel

“Schwimmerin” and “Kauernde” by Waldemar Grzimek. Two Donations for the Dresden Skulpturensammlung

The artistic creations by the draftsman, graphic artist and sculptor Waldemar Grizimek (1918-1984) were of special importance for art in former East Germany. After his relocation to the West in 1961, his oeuvre contributed to the formation of a new Realism in sculpture there in the 1960s and 1970s.

  • DATES 19/11/2013—02/03/2014


Works by Waldemar Grzimek, primarily small-sized statues, have been in the Sculpture Collection since 1957. Thanks to the important donation by the artist’s widow, Dr. Lydia Grzimek, these holdings could now be enhanced by two life-sized bronzes: “Schwimmerin” (Female Swimmer) and “Kauernde” (Crouching Nude).


Bronzeskulptur einer nackten, sich abtrocknenden Frau
© SKD, Foto: Estel
Waldemar Grzimek, Schwimmerin, 1959 Bronze, H. 172,5 cm, Geschenk der Witwe des Künstlers, Frau Dr. Lydia Grzimek, Berlin


The cabinet exhibition unites these figures with five works from their own collection. It shows the artistic diversity as well as Grzimeks’ virtuous handling of all sculptural tasks. The presentation will be supplemented by two drawings by the artist from the collection of the Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs.

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Further Exhibitions
19/09/2015 —30/03/2016
Gipsskulptur eines sich küssenden Paares
07/06/2016 —17/01/2016
eine Münze mit einem bärtigen Mann
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